Location Data Fields

Store Locations window

Location Code

May be a maximum of 3 alpha-numeric characters.  This is a required field and must be unique.


Represents the city or other identifying factor for the store location.

Quick Sale Cash Acct

Each store location will have a unique account established for those quick cash sales that are not entered under a specific customer's account. The store accounts should be pre-established in "Store Accounts" on the General Maintenance menu. Click in the 'Quick Cash Sale Acct' field and select the applicable account from the drop down list box.  You might have multiple store accounts set up and you should select the one to use as the default.  The store account can be changed when doing a quick sale.

Stock Order Acct

Each store location will have a unique account established for use in the Purchase Order module when entering stock orders. The store accounts should be pre-established in "Store Accounts" on the General Maintenance menu. Click in the Stock Order Acct field and select the applicable account from the drop down list box.  You might have multiple store accounts set up and you should select the one to use as the default.  The store account can be changed when doing a stock order.


If you are using Regions to define your store locations, click in the Region field and select from the drop down list the Region that this store location is part of.  The regions should be pre-established in "Regions" on the General Maintenance menu.

Trade-In Tax Code

For trade-ins posted at this store location, should the sales tax be calculated on the total price of the item being sold or the difference between the price of the item being sold and the item being traded-in?  And, should tax rate 1 or 2 or both be applied (tax rate 2 typically does not pertain to stores in the United States)?  Your options are:  1) Tax on Total; 2) Tax Rate 1 on Difference; 3) Tax Rate 2 on Difference; 4) Tax Rate 1 on Difference/Tax Rate 2.

Example:  A customer is buying an item with a price of $500.  The customer is trading in an item and the value you are giving the customer for it is $100.  If the sales tax should be calculated on the $500, you would select 'Tax on Total' from the drop down list.  If the sales tax should be calculated on the $400, you would select 'Tax Rate 1 on Difference' from the drop down list.

Default Workstation

If using the Purchase Order module, you should select the workstation number to use as the default when generating purchase orders at this store location.  This is primarily to decide location name, address, etc.


If you have a Federal Firearms License (FFL) to purchase, sell, transfer, and/or service firearms, enter the license number here.

Last Year End

When running the "Year End Close" for General Ledger for this store location, this field will automatically be updated with the date.

Transfer From

If this location is not an actual physical store location (i.e. you are setting up a van as a location) and you would want sales posted from this location to deplete inventory from a physical store location or a warehouse, type the location to automatically deplete the inventory from here.  In effect, the items will be automatically transferred from the location entered in the 'Transfer From' field and transferred to the location being established, then sold.  This enables you to track sales from the van and not have to go through the process of manually transferring the items.

Warehouse Location

Is the location being established a warehouse, used to house inventory only?  If yes, check the 'Warehouse Location' box.

Include Store Transfers in Inventory Management

Do you want inventory items that are transferred from store to store to be included in the inventory management routines?  If yes, check this option.